An Excerpt from Under the Naga Tail

The Khmer Rouge commanded us to discard our cooking pots and utensils. Dishes and spoons were handed over to the soldiers. We were prohibited to cook our own food. Rations would come from Angkar—the revolutionary party of the Khmer Rouge—centrally at the community kitchens, where we must communally eat meals together. It was now forbidden to take food from the earth, even if we grew it with our own hands. The new government appeared to be angry over everything and determined to pay out punishments whether they landed on the guilty or not. It was all a display of power, and no one was exempt. 

No more speaking any other tongue was to be tolerated. Khmer was the official language of Angkar, a dictate intended to prevent us from secretly scheming behind their backs, since oppressors are always fearful that someone is trying to cast off their yoke. Items from the city such as perfume and jewelry became forbidden. Gradually, everyone began to wear gray and black pajamas with red krama scarves around their necks, just like the soldiers and peasants, so we would all be “equal” in appearance.

In more village-wide meetings, we were made to pledge all we had to Angkar. They promised Angkar would watch over us, and provide food and shelter. Without currency to buy and sell things in the markets, only Angkar distributed what was deemed necessary for us. Angkar was the sole provider and therefore the sole owner of all our property, deserving our upmost performance, thoughts, and desires.

Our very lives now belonged to this Supreme Organization.

Angkar was our true parent. Our own will was the true enemy, which meant when they killed us, it was for our own good.


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